
Ohhhhh our Wives' Club has been going great! And as promised, even though it's not Wednesday yet, I'm updating the BLOG with the last two session notes! I hope someone took notes for me tonight while I was at my Etsy Houston meeting! :) 


In General:

—>Wives might think, "If my husband would realize how important intimate conversation would bless me, he would be blessed, too!"

—>Husbands might think, "If my wife only knew how important physical relations are to me, she would be blessed, too!"

******There are differences anatomically, psychologically, chemically, and hormonally – We are meant to compliment each other!!******

—>the Male brain is highly systematized; they can control emotions; and they can react to crisis situations immediately.

—>the Woman's brain is highly empathetic; they can multitask; and they think and feel before responding to crisis situations.

in conversations:


Female=Feelings behind the facts

in handling projects:

Male=solve problems thinking about one thing at a time; generally they do it on their own after some time.

Female=talk through things; generally they work through the process with someone else.


Men = speak directly and use words literally

Women = speak indirectly and use words subjectively

in general:

MEN – rational, objective, facts

WOMEN – emotional, subjective, feelings


Helpful hints for better communication in your marriage:

1. Set aside time for regular talks that do NOT involve problems for connecting and sharing your love together.

2. Be encouraging! Esteem him! Praise him! *Prov 16:24* Say things like, "I really appreciate how you…" Step out in faith if you aren't feeling it!

3. Take an interest in his interest!

4. Be a good listener – tell him what you heard. *Jms 1:19*

5. Say, "I LOVE YOU."

When working through problems…

1. Be direct!

2. Be aware that men want to fix the problem. So if you just want to talk through something, tell him!

3. ASK him for help (don't TELL him!) *Prov 16:21*

4. Don't use always and never (blanket statements).

***Proverbs 15:1***

Anger does not bring about righteousness!!

The words that we choose have an affect on the listener.

*Prov 25.11*

*Ps 19:14*

*Ps 141:3*


(these notes will be edited for fear of bad spamming!! teeheee!)

*Gen 2:24-25* 

God is the author of intimacy; He created intimacy for a man and a woman with no shame in a marriage relationship.

*Prov 5:18-19*

*Song of Solomon 7:10*

When a husband feels desired, he feels esteemed and fulfilled——-

When a husband feels undesired, he pulls away emotionally and feels rejected——-

Helpful hints for better intimacy in your marriage:

1. Tell him that he is desirable!

2. Initiate intimacy yourself!

3. Pay attention to making yourself attractive.

4. After intimacy, tell him how much you enjoyed it!

5. Tell him you are looking forward to being with him. 

and don't forget…there are health benefits to intimacy, too!!

1. relieves stress and lowers blood pressure

2. boosts immunity

3. burns calories

4. improves cardiovascular

5. boosts your self-esteem

6. improves your intimacy

7. reduces pain

8. reduces risk of prostate cancer

9. strengthens pelvic muscles

10. helps you sleep better


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