Merry Christmas from the Kellers to all of our dear friends and family. Our 2008 has gone by very quickly and excitingly!! We are so thankful for another year of wonderous blessings from God this year filled with many exciting escapades!! Here we are with some of our faves…(ahhhh, the beauty of a blog…pictures!!! yay!)

Cora is now 14 years old, in 9th grade, still homeschooling and just a wonderful delight! She was blessed with several trips this year, including a trip to DC with her cousin, Paloma. They stayed with Donnie’s uncle and aunt outside DC and had an incredible time! Here they are at the Lincoln Memorial with the reflecting pool and Washington Monument in the background!



Cora is still doing gymnastics (tumbling), playing the acoustic guitar, studying like crazy, loves books and digital scrapbooking, and plays a mean game of dominos!! 🙂

Quentin is our 11yo football star. He is very passionate about the game and enjoyed a winning season with his PeeWee team, the Greatwood Packers. He is in 5th grade this year and is doing wonderfully in school this year! (that would be our homeschool here!!) Quent also loves gymnastics and is about to start another season of competition at Level 6 this coming January. Here are a couple pics of him in his two favorite sports!


Quentin on Parallel Bars at a meet in January 2008…

and as Nose Guard (the only Packer in a three-point stance) – #5…


Quentin also plays drums, loves air soft guns, and is a wonderful companion to his Oma Upton at Texan football games (as is Cora…they trade off!!)!

Emma is now 9 years old! She is a phenominal bass guitar player, loves gymnastics and aspires to be an artist! She is in 4th grade in our homeschool and is doing wonderfully! Here are some fun pics of Emma…


this is Emma at the Bellaire Nature Center after exploring animal habitats!!

and here she is with her Daddy on Christmas Eve!


Lillian Clar is 6 years old. She is doing first grade officially in our homeschool, but does second grade math…she likes it! She just completed 7 weeks of aqua therapy (physical therapy in the pool) and will probably go on a once a month therapy regime. This will be the first time in 6 years to do this!! Physically, she is doing soo great with her coordination and running. She also loves gymnastics, Star Wars, Disney princesses, and anything having to do with church! At the Christmas Eve service at my mom’s church, she asked, “What does God look like?” yup, she’s a with-it kinda girl!! Here are some fun pics of Lil from this month!


at swim therapy with her therapist, Angela…

and here she is with her penguin candle!!


*sigh* they are all so wonderful!!! They keep me busy, but every moment is worth it!!

Donnie (aka Mr Gorgeous) has been the wonderful, hard working, traveling, wild man this year! Starting in June, he started traveling to California at least two weeks out of every month. When home, he has been playing with his family, playing the keyboards at church, coaching football, and just being an all around incredible husband! In April, he took all of us camping for the first time…it was great!! In May, we went fishing down in Galveston Bay and he caught a fish!! In August, he flew me out to California with him and ohhhhhh, it was great!! Then in October, he took me and Cora to Cozumel to meet a group Cora’s and my online girlfriends, and he started to learn how to scuba dive!! I see several more certification trips down there in our near future!!


not sure it was a keeper…heh heh! in Galveston Bay…


Donnie and Alcatraz…in August…

and diving in Cozumel…


Now, I am a busy bee…the bulk of my time is spend teaching the kids at home. We have a blast homoeschooling. I also have a dear friend and neighbor who is teaching Cora Algebra, which helps considerably! This year, I have not played my cello as much, but continue to lead worship at Brighton Church. I also am still a Stampin’ Up demonstrator, do digital scrapbooking and recently have become addicted to Facebook! I adore spending time with my family and traveling! My trip to California in August was an incredible journey for me as I made a 7hour round trip to Yosemite National Park all by myself. I loved it and hated that I was alone! But I am proud to say that I did go! I loved loved loved Cozumel in October, especially meeting dear dear online friends for the first time and I plan to go back! I’ll do my pics in scrapbook pages so you see what I mean about digitally scrapbooking!



and here we are in Cozumel!! These are my OScraps best buds!!!


As we celebrate Christ’s birth this season, we are constantly reminded of what the true reason for Christmas is!! God’s ultimate gift to us…his Son, Jesus!! I pray that God may pour his blessings out on you this next year as he has us this past year!! And I am thankful for all of you being in our lives!

Merry Christmas!!


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