Your eyes pop open. “How are we feeling this morning?” “Check in with us!” “These are crazy times!” “In these dark and uncertain times…” “How many masks can you sew?” “Where is all the elastic in the world?”

You’re okay, you say to yourself.

Coffee. That’s where I’ll start today. Coffee.

And the day starts. It’s day whatever of the Covid-19 stay at home order. You’re actually tired of counting days inside. You’re tired of figuring out what to focus on next. You’re just tired!! Thus, the coffee.

But there’s hope. HOPE. I promise!! Well, He promises! And His promises are YES and AMEN!!!

all pics in this post from

I want to share with you 4 ways you can get out of this covid mental cycle each morning. And just know, I’m doing it, too!!

  1. Get dressed up!
  2. Play your soul music!
  3. Find the sun and sit in it!
  4. Give to someone else!

Get Dressed Up!

I know you have a closet full like I do. Those outfits you only wear to church on Sunday or out to the Ballet. And before the lock-down, you had a quick run to Ulta for the latest eye shadow. Put it on!! Don those frilly dresses. Wear all of the Fluevogs you can!!! (Those are shoes, btw).

I am doing a social experiment with myself. I’m dressing up each day, doing my hair (grey roots and all!!), putting on makeup, and I’m posting on my Instagram acct stories to share. So far, I’ve been empowered to do hard things (like mailing packages and setting up my April budget!). I’ve noticed in two days, I’m a bit happier and a bit more energetic!

Play Your Soul Music!

What music rings in your soul? It could be a cello playlist! I could be Hall and Oats Greatest Hits! Or even Seal’s Kiss from a Rose over and over again!! This week being Holy Week has sent me to my Lenten Playlist. I curated a list of music completely focused on the Cross. You can make a free playlist on YouTube or pick an artist on Pandora. We subscribe to Spotify for our family (worth every penny!!!), and I’ve curated many a “Soul Songs” Playlist. Check out my Cool Jams 2019 list to see my favorite Dish-doing music. Or Spotify’s Piano in the Background when we don’t want the music to actually distract us!! It’s all a BALM to my soul when I’m in a covid panic!! (is that a term yet???)

Find the Sun and Sit in It!

Ohhhhh the sun, the sun! Even if you don’t have sun where you live (I’m looking at you, Seattle!), getting outside has proven to be an amazing therapy!! Here in the Houston area, we get a LOT of sun. And I’m taking it in everyday. Of course, I have puppy excuses, but even puppies like to snuggle under the sun!!!

Let’s take some walks, pull the babies in a wagon, just sit out by the backyard, or work on the backyard!! You’ll thank me later…I promise!

Give to Someone Else!

You’ve heard all of this before, but I think, for me, this is the kicker. Giving to others, thinking about others, sacrificing for others is the key to contentment in a storm. When I become so focused on myself, I cannot see the forest for the trees. But when I’m thinking about others, I don’t have time to wallow in my own worries or concerns.

Remember, we are taking that time in the morning to prepare ourselves for the day. My next question is how I can serve others. Most importantly for me right now, how can I serve my own family. Something as simple as folding the laundry or wiping down the kitchen can be such a blessing. Something as easy as making a mask for your bestie can be a breath of life – for both you and your bestie!! Giving to others gives life and energy to you!

We will be back together! But in the meantime, let’s do what we can to combat this overwhelming tiredness that the oppression of covid mentality is pushing on us!

I’m praying for you and for me!! We’re going to make it!


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