I had a moment this week; a moment where everything was crystal clear, and I knew exactly what to do next. (I’m pretty sure it had to do with dishes and laundry and changing sheets!) Those moments come few and far between because of who I am (aka – my identity).

First, some history: 24 years ago, Mr Gorgeous and I decided that the Lord called us to homeschool our sweet babies. At that time, we had a one-year-old, and Mr G was teaching in public school. You can read all about our homeschooling adventures, history, and philosophy over on our homeschooling page, but suffice it to say, we made a pretty large commitment.

While homeschooling for the last 24 years, I’ve played many gigs on my cello, led worship for seasons, and done other freelance/home-based business all to allow me to be at home with my babies. The words “For such a time as this” were constantly in my soul. I’m so thankful for Mr G and his support – spiritually, emotionally, and financially!

About 9 years ago, I started an online business called Sally’s Angelworks. In the last nine years, I’ve gone to conferences, business retreats, joined business coaching groups, read a gob of marketing books, and listened to countless podcasts and books on tape on how to build your crafter’s business. But I’ve held back.

I held back because of my identity. When you delve into the study of identity, you find that we as humans have multi-faceted identities. We are different people in different situations; for example (in no particular order!) Mom, Wife, Cellist, Worshiper, Entrepreneur, Quilter, Friend, Daughter, Child of God, (most recently) MawMaw, and on and on. Pretty quickly in life, we come face to face with prioritizing our identities.

Have you ever heard a word of faith before and gotten really excited about it and then promptly forgotten it while in the fire??? Part of that is just our short-attention-span culture. Part of it is the enemy pulling the wool over our eyes. And part of it is realizing we have to move forward to walk in that word of faith. And our feet are tired. Our spirits are weary. Our hearts can’t take another heartbreak.

The words “What could you do if you knew God was for you?” have become platitudinous, trite, old hat. Why? Because our Christian culture talks the talk and uses those Christianese words constantly. They’ve lost their meaning, their power. Inside our churches, we wish peace to each other and listen to sermons about God loving us. Because on the surface, we know, as Christians, God is for us. I mean, He died for us, right?

But we never STOP and let that sink in.

The keyword in that phrase above is STOP.

I entreat you right now to take some action while reading this blog post. Really stop and listen to His Word for you. Internalize it. Meditate on it. It’s true. It’s truth! (Lather, Rinse, Repeat!!)

What do you need to do next? I wrote a list on Wednesday of action items that I needed to do based on what I heard from the Lord. In my own walk, the Lord is going ahead of me in the battle for managing my household and my business – in that order. I constantly have to remind myself of the word I meditated on a few days ago – Ex 14:14. He is going before me and slaying all of those circumstances that need to be slain!

Let’s not kid ourselves, though. My other verse I’ve been meditating on is Romans 5:3-5.

I’ve still got to go through the battles even while the Lord is fighting them for me because on the other side is HOPE. And HOPE does NOT disappoint!!

Is your heart weary and broken, too? Tired of fighting all of these battles we are thrown into? STOP, MEDITATE, and have HOPE!!! Let this not just be another message from another blog. Take action and believe!! I’m excited to share every Friday with you again about where this journey of faith is leading you and me!!

blessings and many prayers,

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