ohhhh I’m fading fast tonight! I did my quiet time late tonight. It was great!! I sat with the guitar and started a new song. I read a little from the awesome book, GODSONGS, by Paul Baloche and Jimy and Carol Owens. It is fab for songwriters!! And what else? We had a great dinner at Oma U’s!! She’s got this whole Rachel Ray thing going on! And we love being the beneficiaries of such wonderful learning! LOL!!! Yummy!

Missing my honey, but sooo thankful for the many blessings like my mom and my in-laws and my sil and her two girlies!! I like to stay a bit busy so i don’t think of how much I really miss my sweetheart!!! Although I don’t know about you, but is time going too fast???

Here’s a fun pic of the cousins from yesterday!


BTW, I’m rooting for Joshua and Katie and Chelsea and Mark on SYTYCD!!! (So you think you can dance). And of course, I love Twitch and Kherington. You know they have been rockin’ it! I think things will go crazy once the couples switch around…I’m off to sleep now!! See you in the morning!

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