Ohhhh I just had to show you a small bit of our Fourth yesterday! Here are three pics that show some of our traditions…

Every year since I was born we have made a flag cake. I asked my mom when the tradition started and she said her family always did it when she was little, too…so it could go back before her even! Anyway, Lillian helped me make the cake first. Here’s the box I used and there is that little girlie (check out her Fourth shirt – totally her!!!) licking the spatula!


Last year we started a tradition that was really fun. Now, you need to realize that my father was a fantastic artist! He painted and did woodwork and on the Fourth of July, the cake was his baby. I’m guessing that my mom always baked the cake and he created the art on the cake with frosting (although knowing him, he could have even baked the cake!! LOL!!). One year, he painted (using frosting!!) the statue of liberty.My dad passed away in 1990. So every year our flag cakes are a tribute to him…it’s an awesome legacy.

Anyway, last year we started the tradition of my brother designing the cake and me “painting” it. And with a twist…he designs several different designs and everyone votes on their fave. This year we had a lot more voting. That was fun!! I’m going to paper scrap that paper where he did all of his designs. Here is a pic of the final cake! and me…didn’t realize my glasses were so off kilter!! LOL!!


And of course our other tradition….fireworks. I’m still trying to learn this camera. but I read in  a scrap mag that you can get your child to write their name with sparklers and your camera can catch it if it is on a slow enough shutter speed. Well, my camera (Olympus E-Volt) was on the fireworks setting and I got a bit of Lillian’s name…”iL” I love that!! 


All in all, we had around 30 people come over, with 26 doing fireworks with us together. So fun!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading about our wonderful Fourth!!

in memory of Phil Upton…this was July 4, 1990…24 days before he died.


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