Well, we did it!! we led a service today. It was really neat. It was the first time we, as a family, played as a band. My mom kept joking about us being the Von Trapp family!! LOL!! I hope to have a short bit up on YouTube later this week. Mr Gorgeous did a fabulous job preaching and playing the piano and leading the communion and on and on! LOL!! And the best part was that he didn’t have to pack up and fly to California!! YAY!!! So we are playing on our laptops together!! yay!!! Here are a couple more pics from the party yesterday.


Here is the cake!! It was incredible!! MawMaw’s great-grandson and his girlfriend made it! They have a cake making business. I’d say they must be doing well!!! (yes, the flowers are sugar flowers…just perfect!!)


Here’s MawMaw with her great-grandchildren…having a wonderful time!!!

Sooo Here is my danielle young designer spotlight challenge LO!!


Go and play with us this week at Oscraps!

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